Music is at the heart of the Palm congregation and we are blessed to have an active and inspiring music program featuring vocal and instrumental choirs. We offer opportunities for musicians of all ages and experience levels to participate in the worship life of our church and share their talents with the congregation. We encourage singers and instrumentalists of all levels, regardless of experience, to share their musical talents with the congregation. Our choirs rehearse and perform from September through May. Click here for details of our choirs including the Senior Choir, Senior Handbells, Junior Handbells, and our Brass Group.
Hearts of Palm
The Hearts of Palms is a ministry which provides meals for members in need. We’re using a web-based program called “Take Them a Meal” which simplifies meal coordination including notification of a need. Don’t worry if you don’t use a computer you can still help. If you’re interested in providing a meal, please email Barb Master and she’ll help you get registered as a provider. Please consider joining us in the meal ministry.
Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain is a group of our church members who have committed to praying for individuals with special prayer requests. The group is always looking for additional members. To join the group or to submit a prayer request, contact Nancy Hoffman at 610-845-7208. We find strength and healing through the power of prayer!
Ladies’ Aid Society
This women’s group welcomes all the females and friends of the church. They meet monthly on the first Tuesday of the month at 1 PM for fellowship with one another and to check in on our home bound members through regular visitations. The group also raises money for support to various church and community ministries. Please watch Palm Schwenkfelder Church’s website for our upcoming events and fundraisers.
Men of Palm
The Men of Palm, working together with the additional assistance of the women, youth, and friends of our Church, sponsor an annual and sometimes semi-annual, Chicken Barbecue Dinner fundraiser. The group is glad to welcome all who are interested in joining them in their endeavors.
Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts
Palm Schwenkfelder Church is the charter organization for Boy Scout Troop 79 which is currently being led by Scoutmaster Gary Hager.
Our church also is host to a Girl Scout Senior/Ambassador troop under the leadership of Christine Kane and Valerie Arner.
Please call the Church office for contact information for either of these groups.

Palm Country Day School
Palm Country Day School was established by the Palm Schwenkfelder Church in 1965. The preschool facility is an educational nondenominational activity of the church.