Gedächtnistag (Day of Remembrance) – September 27th

Be sure to join us on September 27th at 9:00 am for our annual Gedächtnistag intergenerational Sunday School class. We will be hosting Maggie Buckwalter, who is the Museum Educator for the Schwenkfelder Library and Heritage Center. Then, later in the day at 3:00 pm, the 281st Day of Remembrance (Gedächtnistag) celebration will be held in the Strasburg Auditorium at Meadowood Senior Living Center (located behind Central Schwenkfelder Church), where the traditional meal of bread and apple butter will be served.


On September 24, 1734, the Schwenkfelders gathered for a time of worship to thank God for their safe arrival in the new land of freedom. Every year thereafter, the Schwenkfelders met in worship to honor the occasion, calling it “Gedächtnistag” (Day of Remembrance).


Our “Gedächtnistag” is considered the oldest continuous celebration of Thanksgiving in the United States.

“Landing of the Schwenckfelders from the St. Andrew” by Adolf Pannash, Collection of the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center

“Landing of the Schwenckfelders from the St. Andrew” by Adolf Pannash, Collection of the Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center

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