Page updated 7/28/2020

What to Expect As We Return to In-Person Worship Services
- In Person worship has begun as of August 16th. Weather permitting, we will hold these services in the church grove, side lawn of the church, until the end of October. Please bring your own lawn chair(s).
- Stay at home if you do not feel well (loss of smell or taste, cough, muscle aches, sore throat, shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite chills and/or headache), have a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or are in a high-risk category (the elderly or anyone with a compromising health issue).
- Hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, and masks will be available.
- Only the restrooms on the first floor of the educational building will be available for use.
- We will not pass an offering plate during the service. A receptacle will be available to receive your monetary gifts.
- We encourage those over the age of 2 to wear your mask throughout the service, indoors or outdoors. If your mask must be removed, please do so only when seated and be sure to put the mask on again when talking with others or when leaving your seat.
- The building will be set up to allow for you to practice social distancing guidelines at all times. Please respect these guidelines by standing, or sitting 6 feet apart while in the building. Members of the same household will be allowed to sit or stand together. Please do not congregate in groups before and after the service either in the church building or in the parking lot.
- When entering the sanctuary, you will be ushered to an available pew. When leaving the sanctuary, please wit to be directed to an appropriate exit.
- In order to fulfill the requirement of contact tracing, you will be asked to fill out an “attendance card” including your name(s) and a telephone number.
- As there will be no congregational singing and no participation by the choirs, you will find that hymnals and pew Bibles have been removed.
- There will be no Children’s Church. The Nursery space will be available.
June 18, 2020 Letter to the Congregation

Grieving, especially in a time of global pandemic, presents challenges and heartbreak. We, as a family of faith, strive to offer comfort to those who mourn, as well as to provide for the safety of attendees and staff in honoring a person’s life. With guidance from the CDC, Montgomery County Department of Health, denominational bodies and the United Church Insurance Board, we continue to recommend safe practices, social distancing, and limited group number gatherings. Palm Schwenkfelder Church partners with the funeral home of the family’s choosing to provide as safe an environment as we can.
The following policies now apply to all funeral services at Palm Schwenkfelder Church until further notice:
- We continue to recommend graveside services. However, services in the Sanctuary are available.
- If possible, we recommend a celebration of life service be held at a later date, when it is determined safe to do so.
- No more than 100 people may attend a graveside service. Those attending must be standing at least 6 feet apart. As a courtesy to the other attendees we ask those who are able, to wear face masks or face covering at all times. When approaching the graveside, attendees will be asked to provide contact tracing information.
- No more than 100 people may attend a service in the Sanctuary.
- The church building has been set up to allow for the practice of social distancing. Please respect these guidelines by standing, or sitting, 6 feet apart while in the building. Members of the same household will be allowed to sit or stand together. Please do not congregate in groups before and after the service in the church building. When entering the Sanctuary, attendees will be asked to provide contact tracing information, and then escorted to an available pew. At the conclusion of the service, attendees will be dismissed by rows, beginning at the rear of the Sanctuary.
- We are unable to provide a viewing/calling hour prior to the graveside service.
- We are unable to provide for a funeral luncheon following the graveside service.
- Pastoral participation in funeral services held inside of funeral homes are subject to individual pastoral discretion.